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The Stephens College $20,000 Scholarship

Sponsored by Sally Jackson

The Stephens College $20,000 Scholarship, sponsored by Sally Jackson, will provide $20,000 to a high school junior or senior that competed and qualified for the 2024 UPHA Senior Challenge Cup National Championship, the UPHA Senior Pleasure Challenge Cup National Championship, the UPHA Senior Arabian Challenge Cup National Championship, the UPHA National Show Horse Challenge Cup National Championship or the UPHA Senior Morgan Challenge Cup National Championship.

"Helping our young people have a successful career in the horse industry is extremely important whether it is as an owner, breeder, exhibitor or professional," stated Sally. "Hopefully, this scholarship will help someone pursue their educational interest and be able to make an impact on this industry that has been so good and has meant so very much to me."

The scholarship will be awarded to a student who wishes to enroll and pursue Equestrian Studies at Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri. The purpose behind this award is to encourage the youth of the industry to seek higher education and benefit the future of the equine industry.
Columbia is the ultimate college town with the University of Missouri just a short walk from the Stephens Campus. Stephens has a first-class equestrian facility and program, plus it is unique in it allows you to take your horse, dog, cat, or pet to school with you. Stephens offers a wide variety of degree programs which can be found on their website:

The application process will begin June 3 through Tuesday, October 15, 2024. All applications must be received by midnight on October 15, 2024. Applicants are required to submit an essay, either written or video, not to exceed two minutes, to the UPHA Review Committee. The essay must state the name/date of the competition where the rider qualified for their respective UPHA Challenge Cup National Championship Final, why the applicant wants to pursue an education in Equestrian Studies, their career goals, how this scholarship would help them, and why they would like to study at Stephens College. Please send to [email protected].

The Scholarship shall be awarded in the following manner: 
The winner of the Stephens College Scholarship will be announced in mid-October 2024 and will be recognized on November 14, 2024, during the presentation of the 2024 UPHA Senior Challenge Cup National Championship, in Kansas City, Missouri. Additionally, the winner will be recognized at the 2025 UPHA National Conference to be held January 7-11, in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The recipient must be a member of UPHA and USEF.

Any inquiries/questions should be directed to Nancy Becker at [email protected].

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